Incremental Predicate Analysis for Regression Verification

Qianshan Yu, Fei He, Bow-Yaw Wang


Software products are evolving during their life cycles. Ideally, every revision need be formally verified to ensure software quality. Yet repeated formal verification requires significant computing resources. Verifying each and every revision can be very challenging. It is desirable to ameliorate regression verification for practical purposes. In this paper, we regard predicate analysis as a process of assertion annotation. Assertion annotations can be used as a certificate for the verification results. It is thus a waste of resources to throw them away after each verification. We propose to reuse the previously-yielded assertion annotation in regression verification. A light-weight impact-analysis technique is proposed to analyze the reusability of assertions. A novel assertion strengthening technique is furthermore developed to improve reusability of annotation. With these techniques, we present an incremental predicate analysis technique for regression verification. Correctness of our incremental technique is formally proved. We performed comprehensive experiments on revisions of Linux kernel device drivers. Our technique outperforms the state-of-the-art program verification tool CPAchecker by getting 2.8x speedup in total time and solving additional 393 tasks.

Getting Started Guide

Run our tool in a VM

  1. Download and import the VM

    We provide a virtual machine in ova format, which takes up about 2.72GB and will take several tens of minutes to download (depends on your network bandwidth). The VM link is paper233-artifact-VM.ova. When you finish downloading the VM, please import it to VMWare or Virtual Box (or other softwares that support ova format). Note that 4GB of memory and 2 CPU cores are minimal requirement when importing the VM.

  2. Enter the working directory

    Run the VM and login with username paper233 and password 123456. Then enter the working directory by:

     cd ~/cpachecker-ipa
  3. Attach to the VM via a custom terminal

    Except the console provided by VM software, one can also attach to the VM via ssh. First of all, look up the IP address by typing the following command:

     ifconfig ens33 | grep "inet addr"

    We take the IP address “” as an example. The next step is to ssh to the VM by your handy terminal app:

     ssh paper233@

    After typing the password 123456, you can access to the VM via a custom terminal.

  4. Run the kick-off script

    Run the following script to start a verification case with 2 verification tasks and see the effect of our approach compared to the baseline:


    The script will call quick-start-baseline.xml and quick-start-ipa.xml which take a few minutes to finish. Ignore the warning information because they do not affect the result:

    • The first warning says that a propertyfile is not specified. A property file is used by the software-verification competition (see to score the verification tasks. We do not need the score, so this warning can be ignored.
    • The second warning is also negligible. It means that a required JAR file is missing. However, we run our tool by Java class file (see ./bin directory).

    The verification result of each verification task and the total running CPU time will be presented on the screen. Browse the output-quick-start directory to check the details of result further.

More details

  1. Directory information

    The working directory contains all logs, tables, used benchmark programs, and configurations as well as a directory of java class of our tool. Our tool is built from CPAchecker-1.4. The following (relevant) files are in this directory:

     bin/ The java classes of our tool.
     config/	The CPAchecker configuration files that we used in the experiments.
     lib/ The libraries required by our tool.
     our-results/	Our raw results, including log files and tables.
     output*/ The intermediate results generated by running baseline or our approach.
     programs/	The driver revisions.
     sf-cfadiff/ The directory of CFADiff, presented as python binaries for now.
     src/ The directory of source code.
     run-*.xml	The input files for our benchmarking script:
           - run-baseline-simple.xml: Benchmark part of the verification cases using baseline configuration.
           - run-ipa-simple.xml: Benchmark part of the verification cases using our approach.
           - run-baseline-all.xml: Benchmark all verification cases using baseline configuration.
           - run-ipa-all.xml: Benchmark all verification cases using our approach. The push-button script for compiling. A kick-off script to start our tool.
  2. Output files

    The output directory is specified by -output option (defined in the XML format benchmarking script). Typically, in an output path, the following files are included:

     impacted-invariants.txt: The annotation file. The control-flow graph of current program revision, presented as graphviz format. The control-flow graph of previous program revision, presented as graphviz format.
     previous_cfa.log: The log file of CFADiff algorithm.
     Statistics.txt: The log file.
  3. Reproduce the experiment in VM

    After configuring the VM by (at least) 2 CPU cores, 10GB memory and 20GB disk space, type the following scripts to run the full experiment.

     # Entering the project root
     cd ~/cpachecker-ipa
     # Benchmarking baseline configuration
     benchexec run-baseline-all.xml
     # Benchmarking ipa configuration
     benchexec run-ipa-all.xml

    While benchmarking baseline and ipa configurations will take about 50h and 20h respectively (on the machine mentioned in our paper), one can try running benchexec run-*-simple.xml to start part of the experiment, which can finish within half an hour.

  4. Browse the log files

    In our-results directory, log-baseline-all and log-ipa-all are archives of log files for the complete experiment of baseline and our approach, respectively. log-baseline-all.csv and log-ipa-all.csv are raw results generated from these log files. result.xlsx is the final experimental results.

Step by Step Instructions

For users who want to run our tool and reproduce the experiment in a fresh machine, please follow the below instructions.


  1. System and resource

    The operating system required is Ubuntu 16.04. In order to conduct a complete experiment, the minimal resource of 2 CPU cores, 10GB available memory and 20GB available disk space must be satisfied.

    While we fully test our tool on Ubuntu 16.04, you can also try other linux releases (or linux-like system) at your own risk. Our tool is also supported in MacOS, readers can install the required packages (for example, use Homebrew package manager) and make necessary configuration. The instructions for MacOS are beyond the scope of this document.

    In the following, we provide detailed instructions for Ubuntu 16.04.

  2. Packages

    In order to build our tool successfully, the following packages are needed: ant and java8. Run the following scripts:

     sudo apt-get install ant openjdk-8-jdk

    To run the tool, some extra packages are required. Please refer to the following scripts.

     # Support the dot format
     sudo apt-get install python-pydot python-pydot-ng graphviz libgraphviz-dev libbz2-dev

    Before install the packages required by CFADiff, please install python3.8 in your way. And then, type the following command:

     # Some python package required by CFADiff
     # An upgrade for pip may be required: pip3 install --upgrade pip
     pip3 install pygraphviz fuzzywuzzy networkx numpy python-Levenshtein matplotlib


We use ant to build our tool. After modifying the source code, type the following script in project directory to compile the project:


Note that the script is calling ant -f cpachecker-ipa.xml mainly. The path of Java should be specified in explicitly.

Run the experiment scripts

pip3 install benchexec==1.16
sudo rm /usr/bin/python
sudo ln -s "YOUR_PYTHON3_PATH" /usr/bin/python
sudo chmod o+wt '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/' '/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/' '/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/' '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/'
sudo swapoff -a
# Entering the project root
cd ~/cpachecker-ipa
# Benchmarking baseline configuration
benchexec run-baseline-all.xml
# Benchmarking ipa configuration
benchexec run-ipa-all.xml


  1. Generate the raw results from logs

    After finishing the experiment, the archive of log files is in results directory. We prepare a script that collects main information from logs and generate a table in csv format (you can also implement your own script for this purpose). For example:

     cd results
     unzip # Note that 'XXX' will be a time stamp
     cd ~/cpachecker-ipa/
     python scripts/ results/run-ipa-all.XXX.logfiles
     # Check the generated raw table
     cat results/run-ipa-all.XXX.csv
  2. Claims

    • The performance of running CPU time may differ among machines due to the CPU and disk performance.